Deakin Card
Your Deakin Card is your student ID. You will need it for:
- printing on campus
- borrowing from the library
- accessing buildings after hours
- exams as your ID
- graduation.
You can get your Deakin Card any time after you have enrolled but it's a good idea to arrange it as early as possible.
When your new card has been issued, you will need to wait up to 24 hours before being able to print.
How to order your Deakin Card
- Enrol in StudentConnect then complete the Deakin Card ID form. GIFT City campus students can order your card here.
- Attach your photo, which must be:
- JPEG or PNG format
- 1024 x 1024 pixels or larger
- maximum file size 6MB
- Face looking directly at the camera, eyes open, no sunglasses, smiling is encouraged!
- Attach a scanned copy of supporting identification such as your passport or current driver’s licence.
- Allow 1–2 weeks to receive your Deakin Card through Australia Post, and longer if being posted overseas.
On campus
Drop into Student Central on campus, have your photo taken and your card produced on the spot.
Deakin Card FAQs
If you lose, misplace or have your Deakin Card stolen, you should immediately deactivate the card then obtain a replacement card at any Student Central.
If you are an online student, you can have your replacement card sent to your home address. Make sure that your address on StudentConnect is current, if not the change your personal details page will assist you to update your address. Please allow 1–2 weeks to receive your Deakin Card through Australia Post, longer if being posted overseas.
Yes, online students still require a Deakin Card when attending a supervised exam, or using the library services online.
If your card expires at the end of the current year, but you will be continuing your studies in the following year, a new card will be sent to you in the mail by the end of January the following year.
Student Central is responsible for the printing of student cards.
If you are returning after intermitting or commencing your course after deferring, you will need to wait until you've commenced study before requesting a card.
No: as of 2025 we are no longer charging for replacement cards and they are free of charge.
Please contact Student Central for further information.
You can still print if you forget to bring your Deakin Card with you. Simply enter your username and password directly into the printer.
Studying on campus at night or on weekends is a great way to get the quiet time you need to complete your studies. Some buildings are locked outside of university hours, so you will need to request access. If approved, the access will be automatically added to your Deakin Card, and you will receive an email notification when it's ready to use.
No, your Deakin College ID card is recognised as a Deakin Card and has the same functionality.
If you no longer require your Deakin Card, please drop it into one of the secure media bins located at Student Central:
- Burwood (LB2.400 and HE2.111)
- Geelong Waurn Ponds (JB3.330)
- Geelong Waterfront (Building D)
Unfortunately, Deakin Cards are unable to be recycled as they contain several types of plastic. Cards that are dropped into the media bins will be destroyed to protect privacy.
For more information about Deakin Card bins, please contact
Students studying at GIFT City campus can order their Deakin Card here.
Deakin Card full terms and conditions
1.1 Types of card
There are four types of Deakin Card: a Deakin Student Card, a Deakin Staff Card, a Deakin College Student Card and a Deakin Visitor Card. Details of the period of validity for each of these cards and their expiry dates are set out in section 1.15.
1.2 Identification card
Deakin Card is required for identification on all Deakin University campuses. It is required for identification in examinations and must be produced when requested by a campus support officer. Your Deakin Card may be used to confirm your attendance at Deakin events where required.
1.3 Library card
Deakin Card is used by students and staff as the library borrowing card at all Deakin University campus libraries. When borrowing library material in person, borrowers must produce their own valid Deakin Card. The loss of a Deakin Card must be reported to the library immediately. The cardholder may be responsible for any items borrowed up until the time the library has received and acknowledged such a report. Further information about the conditions of loans and library use is available on the Library website.
1.4 Printing
Staff and students are not charged to print and photocopy on campus by swiping their Deakin Card at the printer. Printing and copying should be related to their work or study at Deakin.
For further details visit IT Help.
1.5 Access card (where applicable)
At the University’s discretion, a Deakin Card may contain technology that will allow the cardholder to use their Deakin Card as an access card. The ownership of a Deakin Card does not automatically grant access privileges and the use of the card as an access pass is subject to the ‘Security Procedure’ listed in The Guide at deakin/leadership-and-governance/legislation-and-policy-library.
The administration of Deakin Card’s access facility is maintained by the Campus Services Division and queries should be directed to them by calling 522 72056 or by emailing
For further details visit security/building-access.
1.6 Join DUSA
You may choose to use your Deakin Card to join DUSA (Deakin University Student Association) in lieu of providing your information directly to DUSA. If you swipe your card in this manner Deakin will be notified that you have consented to your information being provided to DUSA and will provide your name, date of birth, phone number, Deakin email address, postal address, student ID number, Faculty, course and campus.
1.7 Deakin Visitor Card (for visitors to the University)
Visitors to the University can obtain a Deakin Visitor Card at Student Central locations at each campus.
Deakin Visitor Cards do not contain personal information about the cardholder.
1.8 Dispute resolution procedure
If you are dissatisfied with a product or service provided by the Deakin Card, you should inform the Deakin Card promptly. You can inform the Deakin Card Office:
- by calling 1800 450 503 between 9am–5pm Monday-Friday
- by sending a letter to Deakin Card at 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, VIC 3125
- by emailing the Deakin Card at
Each complaint is registered and dealt with according to documented internal dispute resolution processes at no charge to the cardholder. The Deakin Card Office can arrange an interpreter to assist the cardholder to make a complaint if required.
If the Deakin Card Office are unable to resolve a card holder's complaint immediately, the Deakin Card Office will write to the cardholder within 10 business days either:
- addressing the issue(s) raised; or
- advising if more time is needed to address the issue(s) or to complete the investigation.
In all but exceptional cases the Deakin Card Office will take less than 45 days from receiving a card holder's complaint to address the issue(s) raised or to complete the investigation. If the Deakin Card Office is unable to do so within the 45 days, the Deakin Card Office will:
- inform the cardholder of the reasons for the delay
- provide the cardholder with monthly updates on progress with the investigation
- specify a date when a decision can reasonably be expected.
Where a cardholder is not satisfied with the Deakin Card Office's response or handling of the complaint, the cardholder can contact the Deakin Card Team who will attempt to resolve the complaint within five business days.
1.9 Transaction record
The Deakin Card can no longer be used as a stored value card. If you require a copy of your transaction record please contact The Deakin Card Office reserves the right to limit a transaction record to the 3-month period immediately preceding the request.
1.10 Privacy
The Deakin Card Office administers all Deakin Card accounts. The Deakin Card Office may collect personal information from cardholders for the efficient management of these accounts. Personal information collected from cardholders will be handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Further information about Deakin’s privacy practices is available at
The Deakin Card Office may use the photograph taken at the point of issuing a Deakin Card as the default photograph that will be displayed on all public facing staff and HDR student profiles. You can review and amend your privacy settings here.
All information collected is stored in secure databases and accessed only by authorised Deakin University staff in undertaking their normal duties. Personal information about a cardholder is available at the Deakin Card Office and will only be disclosed to the cardholder on request and with presentation of proper identification.
1.11 Fees
a. Deakin Card enrolment and establishment fees
The Deakin Card is free for current students, Deakin College students and staff of Deakin University. Students are issued a Deakin Card when they first enrol with the University and staff are issued with a Deakin Card when they commence employment. Automatic and free access is given to the Deakin Card system upon issue of a Deakin Card. Visitors to Deakin University can obtain a Deakin Visitor Card for free.
b. Replacement card fees
Damaged cards or cards printed with errors may be exchanged at no cost by Deakin University students and staff and Deakin College students. For lost/stolen or replacement staff and student cards, a new card can be ordered at no cost.
1.12 Lost, stolen or misplaced cards
In the event that the cardholder loses, misplaces or has their Deakin Card stolen, the cardholder should immediately deactivate the card online. The cardholder can also notify the Deakin Card Office on 1800 450 503 during business hours or leave a message on the message recording facility outside business hours.
To receive a replacement card, cardholders must contact Deakin/Student Central. When a replacement card has been issued, the cardholder is required to contact the Deakin Card Office (during business hours) to reactivate their card.
The contact details and opening hours for Deakin/Student Central can be found on the Student Central webpage.
1.13 Changes to terms and conditions
The University reserves the right to change the terms and conditions applying to the Deakin Card upon 30 days prior notice.
Notification of changes to the terms and conditions will be made to all cardholders via the Deakin University staff and student portals and this webpage.
1.14 Acceptance of terms and conditions
By using their Deakin Card, the cardholder agrees to these terms and conditions for use of the Deakin Card.
1.15 Expiry dates
Deakin Student Cards have an expiry date that is shown on the front of the card. The card will be deactivated after this date. A cardholder who is still a student at the date of expiry will be entitled to receive a replacement card from the Division of Student Administration. A cardholder who is no longer a student is not entitled to receive a replacement card.
Deakin Staff Cards
Deakin Staff Cards do not show an expiry date and will remain active as long as the cardholder remains a staff member at Deakin University. The account will be deactivated when the staff member ceases to be employed at Deakin University.
Deakin Visitor Cards
Deakin Visitor Cards will have an expiry date calculated in line with the contracted terms of engagement with Deakin University. Once the contract date has expired, all access permissions to on campus facilities will be revoked.