ACM120 - Moving Pictures: Screening Film History

Unit details

Note: You are seeing the 2013 view of this unit information. These details may no longer be current.
Enrolment modes:(B)
Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value:0.125
Cohort rule:

Only available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communication) or Bachelor of Creative Arts courses.

Unit chair:L Marvell


Online teaching methods require internet access. Please refer to the most current computer specifications.


The unit will introduce key aspects of the history and development of film language, style and genres through a survey of seminal works and influential movements. This may include: Early Cinema, German Expressionism, Hollywood Classicism, French Impressionism and Surrealism, Soviet Montage, British Cinema, Hollywood Studio system, other studio systems, Italian Neo-Realism, Japanese Cinema, Indian Cinema, French New Wave, German New Wave, Direct and Cinema Verite, New American Independence and emerging cinemas.


Two online tests 10% each, Tutorial presentation 30%, Major essay 2000 words 50%

Unit Fee Information

Student Contribution Rate*Student Contribution Rate**Fee rate - Domestic Students Fee rate - International students

* Rate for all CSP students, except for those who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
** Rate for CSP students who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
Please note: Unit fees listed do not apply to Deakin Prime students.