Letters after your name
Why use appellations?
Appellations show the breadth of your education and professional status. If you’re a member of professional associations, you might also want to add their appellations too. People sometimes use them on business cards, résumés or email signatures.
How to construct your appellation
Follow these guidelines, keeping in mind the recommended order.
Qualification name
Qualification abbreviation, with no punctuation: J Murphy BA
Add (Hons) after qualification if you completed an honours program: J Murphy BA (Hons)
Multiple qualifications
Lowest to highest, separated by commas: J Murphy BA (Hons), DipEd
Institution name
In italics after qualifications: J Murphy BA (Hons), DipEd Deakin
Professional qualifications
Add last. This example shows a Fellow of the Australian College of Education membership: J Murphy BA (Hons), DipEd Deakin, FACE
All award appellations
Find the abbreviation for your award by selecting your faculty in the sections below.
Faculty of Arts and Education
Doctorate | Doctor of Communication | DComm |
Doctorate | Doctor of Education | DEd |
Doctorate | Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Master | Master of Applied Social Research | MAppSocRes |
Master | Master of Arts | MA |
Master | Master of Arts (Australian Studies) | MA(AustSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Children's Literature) | MA(ChildLit) |
Master | Master of Arts (Creative Enterprise) | MA(CreatvEnt) |
Master | Master of Arts (International Relations) | MA(IR) |
Master | Master of Arts (Literary Studies) | MA(LitSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Media Studies) | MA(MediaSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Music) | MA(Music) |
Master | Master of Arts (Philosophy For Children) | MA(PhilChild) |
Master | Master of Arts (Professional Communication) | MA(ProfComm) |
Master | Master of Arts (Psychoanalytic Studies) | MA(PsychSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Science and Technology Studies) | MA(Sc&TechSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Strategic Studies) | MA(StratSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Translating) | MA(Trans) |
Master | Master of Arts (Translation Studies) | MA(TransSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Women's Studies) | MA(WomensSt) |
Master | Master of Arts (Writing and Literature) | MA(WritLit) |
Master | Master of Communication | MComm |
Master | Master of Communication Studies (External) | MComm(Ext) |
Master | Master of Creative Arts | MCA |
Master | Master of Cultural Heritage | MCultHeritage |
Master | Master of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies | MCulHerMus |
Master | Master of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies (Professional) | MCulHerMus(Prof) |
Master | Master of Defence Studies | MDefSt |
Master | Master of Defence and Strategic Studies | MDefStratSt |
Master | Master of Development and Humanitarian Action | MDevHumAction |
Master | Master of Development Studies | MDevSt |
Master | Master of Digital Film | MDigFilm |
Master | Master of Film and Television | MFilmTv |
Master | Master of Film and Video | MFilm&Video |
Master | Master of Humanitarian Assistance | MHumnAsst |
Master | Master of International and Community Development | MIntl&ComnDev |
Master | Master of International Relations | MIntlRel |
Master | Master of International Security Studies | MIntlSecSt |
Master | Master of Military and Defence Studies | MMDS |
Master | Master of National Security and Strategy | MNSS |
Master | Master of Planning | MPlan |
Master | Master of Politics and Policy | MPol&Policy |
Master | Master of Psychoanalytic Studies | MPsychSt |
Master | Master of Public Policy | MPubPolicy |
Master | Master of Public Policy and Governance | MPubPolicy&Gov |
Master | Master of Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action | MSusDevHumnAction |
Master | Master of Tourism Management | MTourMgt |
Master with Honours | Master of Cultural Heritage (Honours) | MCultHeritage(Hons) |
Master by Research | Master of Arts (Media Studies) | MA(MediaSt) |
Master | Master of Applied Learning and Teaching | MALT |
Master | Master of Applied Learning and Teaching (Secondary) | MALT(Sec) |
Master | Master of Arts (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) | MA(TESOL) |
Master | Master of Arts (Teaching Languages Other Than English) | MA(TLOTE) |
Master | Master of Digital Learning Leadership | MDigLrngLdshp |
Master | Master of Distance Education | MDistEd |
Master | Master of Education | MEd |
Master | Master of Education (Applied Learning and Vet In Schools) | MEd(AL&VETinSchools) |
Master | Master of Education (Arts and Social Education) | MEd(Arts&SocEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Arts Education) | MEd(ArtsEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Constructing Knowledge) | MEd(ConstKnow) |
Master | Master of Education (Curriculum and Administration Studies) | MEd(Curric&AdminSt) |
Master | Master of Education (Curriculum Studies) | MEd(CurricSt) |
Master | Master of Education (Educational Administration) | MEd(EdAdmin) |
Master | Master of Education (Educational Leadership and Administration) | MEd(EdLdshp&Admin) |
Master | Master of Education (Enterprise Education and Applied Learning) | MEd(EntEd&AppLrng) |
Master | Master of Education (Flexible, Online and Distance Education) | MEd(FODE) |
Master | Master of Education (Information Technology Education) | MEd(ITEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Integration) | MEd(Integ) |
Master | Master of Education (International) | MEd(Intl) |
Master | Master of Education (Language and Literacy Education) | MEd(Lang&LitEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Leadership and Management) | MEd(Ldshp&Mgt) |
Master | Master of Education (Mathematics Education) | MEd(MathEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Physical and Health Education) | MEd(Phys&HealthEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Physical Education) | MEd(PhysEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Professional Practice) | MEd(ProfPrac) |
Master | Master of Education (Science and Environmental Education) | MEd(Sc&EnvEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Science, Health and Environmental Education) | MEd(Sc,Health&EnvEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Special Educational Needs) | MEd(SpecEdNeeds) |
Master | Master of Education (Special Needs) | MEd(SpecNeeds) |
Master | Master of Education (Specialist Inclusive Education) | MEd(SpecInclEd) |
Master | Master of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) | MEd(TESOL) |
Master | Master of Education (Teaching Languages Other Than English) | MEd(TLOTE) |
Master | Master of Educational Administration | MEdAdmin |
Master | Master of Languages Teaching | MLangTeach |
Master | Master of Professional Education & Training (Workplace & Vocational Education & Training) | MProfEd&Trng(WVET) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training | MProfEd&Trng |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Adult Education and Literacy) | MProfEd&Trng(AdEd&Lit) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Applied Learning and Vet In Schools) | MProfEd&Trng(AL&VETinSchools) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Enterprise Education and Applied Learning) | MProfEd&Trng(EntEd&AppLrng) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Flexible, Online and Distance Education) | MProfEd&Trng(Flex,Online&DistEd) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Higher Education) | MProfEd&Trng(HigEd) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Literacy and Diversity) | MProfEd&Trng(Lit&Diversity) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Open and Distance Education) | MProfEd&Trng(O&DistEd) |
Master | Master of Professional Education and Training (Tesol) | MProfEd&Trng(TESOL) |
Master | Master of Professional Practice (Digital Learning) | MProfPrac(DigLrn) |
Master | Master of Specialist Inclusive Education | MSpecIncEd |
Master | Master of Teaching | MTeach |
Master | Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) | MTeach(EC) |
Master | Master of Teaching (Primary and Early Childhood) | MTeach(PEC) |
Master | Master of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) | MTeach(PS) |
Master | Master of Teaching (Primary) | MTeach(P) |
Master | Master of Teaching (Secondary) | MTeach(Sec) |
Master | Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | MTESOL |
Master by Coursework | Master of Education (Leadership and Learning) | MEd (LL) |
Master by Research | Master of Arts | MA |
Master by Research | Master of Arts (Education) | MA |
Master by Research | Master of Education (Research) | MEd(Res) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Case Management and Client Service | GDipCaseMgt&ClientServ |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Children's Literature | GDipChildLit |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Citizenship Studies | GDipCitzSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Communication | GDipComm |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Creative Arts | GDipCreatvArts |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Creative Writing | GDipCreatvWrit |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Cultural Heritage | GDipCultHeritage |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Defence Studies | GDipDefSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Defence and Strategic Studies | GDipDefStratSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Development and Humanitarian Action | GDipDevHumAction |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Development Studies | GDipDevSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Digital Film | GDipDigFilm |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Digital Media | GDipDigMedia |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Children's Literature) | GDipEd(ChildLit) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Music Education) | GDipEd(MusicEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) | GDipEd(TESOL) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Women's Studies) | GDipEd(WomenSt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Film and Television | GDipFilmTv |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Film and Video | GDipFilm&Video |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Humanitarian Assistance | GDipHumnAsst |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Indigenous Research | GDipIndigenousRes |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International and Community Development | GDipIntl&ComnDev |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International and Community Development Studies | GDipIntl&ComnDevSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Relations | GDipIR |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Interpreting/Translating | GDipIntTrans |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Journalism | GDipJourn |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Journalism : Criminal Justice | GDipJourn:CrimJustice |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Land and Sea Country Management | GDipLandSeaCntryMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Language | GDipLang |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Literary Studies | GDipLitSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Media and Communication | GDipMedia&Comm |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Media Studies | GDipMediaSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Military and Defence Studies | GDipMDS |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Museum Studies | GDipMuseumSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Music | GDipMusic |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of National Security and Strategy | GDipNSS |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Natural and Cultural Resource Management | GDipNat&CultResMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Planning | GDipPlan |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Politics and Policy | GDipPol&Policy |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Political Practice | GDipProfPolPrac |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Writing | GDipProfWrit |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Psychoanalytic Studies | GDipPsychSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Public Policy | GDipPubPolicy |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Public Policy and Governance | GDipPubPolicy&Gov |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Public Relations | GDipPR |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Religious Affairs Journalism | GDipRelAffJourn |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Science Journalism | GDipScJourn |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Strategic Studies | GDipStratSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action | GDipSusDevHumnAction |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Television Production | GDipTvProd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of tourism Management | GDipTourMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Translating | GDipTrans |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Visual Communication Design | GDipVisCommDes |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Women's Studies | GDipWomensSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Writing and Literature | GDipWritLit |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Advanced Teaching | GDipAdvTeach |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Distance Education | GDipDistEd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education | GDipECE |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education (Leadership) | GDipECE(L) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education | GDipEd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Adult and Industrial Education) | GDipEd(Adult&IndEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Adult and Workplace Education) | GDipEd(Ad&WorkplaceEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Adult and Workplace Education) | GDipEd(Adult&WorkplaceEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Adult Literacy) | GDipEd(AdLit) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Applied Learning) | GDipEd(AppLrng) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Arts Education) | GDipEd(ArtsEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Educational Administration) | GDipEd(EdAdmin) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Information Technology Education) | GDipEd(ITEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Integration) | GDipEd(Integ) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Language and Literacy Education) | GDipEd(Lang&LitEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Mathematics Education) | GDipEd(MathEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Physical Education) | GDipEd(PhysEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary) | GDipEd(Prim) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Science Education) | GDipEd(ScEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary Humanities) | GDipEd(SecHum) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary) | GDipEd(Sec) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education (Special Needs) | GDipEd(SpecNeeds) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Education(Adult and Industrial Education) | GDipEd(Adult&IndEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Teaching | GDipTeaching |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Primary) | GDipTeach(Prim) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | GDipTESOL |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Teaching Languages Other Than English | GDipTLOTE |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Applied Social Research | GCertAppSocRes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Arts and Sciences | GCertArts&Sciences |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Case Management and Client Service | GCertCaseMgt&ClientServ |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Cemetery Practice | GCertCemPrac |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Children's Literature | GCertChildLit |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Citizenship Studies | GCertCitzSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Communication | GCertComm |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Communication Studies (External) | GCertComm(Ext) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Creative Arts | GCertCreatvArts |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Cultural Heritage | GCertCultHeritage |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies | GCertCulHerMus |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Defence Studies | GCertDefSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Defence and Strategic Studies | GCertDefStratSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Development and Humanitarian Action | GCertDevHumAction |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Digital Film | GCertDigFilm |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Music Education) | GCertEd(MusicEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Employment Services | GCertEmplServ |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Film and Television | GCertFilmTv |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Film and Video | GCertFilm&Video |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Gender and Policing | GCertGender&Policing |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Holocaust Studies | GCertHolocaustSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Humanitarian Assistance | GCertHumnAsst |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Humanitarian Health | GCertHumHealth |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Humanitarian Leadership | GCertHumLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate if Indigenous Research | GCertIndigenousRes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International and Community Development | GCertIntl&ComnDev |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International Relations | GCertIR |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Journalism | GCertJourn |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Land and Sea Country Management | GCertLandSeaCntryMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Language | GCertLang |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Literary Studies | GCertLitSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Media and Communication | GCertMedia&Comm |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Media Studies | GCertMediaSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Military and Defence Studies | GCertMds |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Motion Capture | GCertMoCap |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Museum Studies | GCertMuseumSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of National Security and Strategy | GCertNSS |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Natural and Cultural Resource Management | GCertNat&CultResMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Planning | GCertPlan |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Politics and Policy | GCertPol&Policy |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Writing | GCertProfWrit |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Psychoanalytic Studies | GCertPsychSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Public Policy and Governance | GCertPubPolicy&Gov |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Public Relations | GCertPR |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Strategic Studies | GCertStratSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action | GCertSusDevHumnAction |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Teaching English As A Foreign Language | GCertTEFL |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of The Philosophy of Communication | GCertPhilComm |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of tourism Management | GCertTourMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Women's Studies | GCertWomenSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Writing and Literature | GCertWritLit |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Adult, Vocational Education and Training | GCAdVocEdTrng |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Distance Education | GCertDistEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Applied Learning and Teaching | GCertAppLrngTeach |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Digital Learning Leadership | GCertDigLrngLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Distance Education | GCertDistEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education | GCertEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Adult and Workplace Education) | GCertEd(Ad&WorkplaceEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Adult and Workplace Education) | GCertEd(Adult&WorkplaceEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Adult Literacy) | GCertEd(AdLit) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Applied Learning and Vet In Schools) | GCertEd(AL&VETinSchools) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Applied Learning and Vet In Schools) | GCertProfEd&Trng(AL&VETinSchools) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Arts Education) | GCertEd(ArtsEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Curriculum Development) | GCertEd(CurricDev) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Curriculum Development) | GCertEd(CurricDev) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Curriculum Studies) | GCertEd(CurricSt) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Educational Administration) | GCertEd(EdAdmin) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Educational Leadership and Administration) | GCertEd(EdLdshp&Admin) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Educational Leadership) | GCertEd(EdLdshp) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Enterprise Education and Applied Learning) | GCertEd(EntEd&AppLrng) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Flexible, Online and Distance Education) | GCertEd(FODE) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Information Technology Education) | GCertEd(ITEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Information Technology) | GCertEd(IT) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Integration) | GCertEd(Integ) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (International) | GCertEd(Intl) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (International Baccalaureate PYP Early Years) | GCertEd(IBPYP) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Language and Literacy Education) | GCertEd(Lang&LitEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Mathematics Education) | GCertEd(MathEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Physical and Health Education) | GCertEd(Phys&HealthEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Physical Education) | GCertEd(PhysEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Professional Development) | GCertEd(ProfDev) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Science and Environmental Education) | GCertEd(Sc&EnvironEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Science Education) | GCertEd(ScEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Educational Needs) | GCertEd(SpecEdNeeds) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Needs) | GCertEd(SpecNeeds) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Teacher Release to Industry Project) | GCertEd(TRIP) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Teacher Release to Industry) | GCertEd(TRI) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) | GCertEd(TESOL) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Teaching Languages Other Than English) | GCertEd(TLOTE) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Teaching Languages Other Than English) | GCertLangTeach |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Traffic Safety Education) | GCertEd(TSEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education (Trauma-Responsive Education) | GCertEd(TrRespEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education Business Leadership | GCertEBL |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Education Research | GCertEdRes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Educational Business Leadership | GCertEBL |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Gifted Education | GCertGiftedEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Higher Education | GCertHigherEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Higher Education Learning and Teaching | GCertHELT |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (Learning and Teaching) | GCHrEd(Lrng&Teach) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education & Training (Workplace & Vocat. Ed & Trg) | GCertProfEd&Trng(WVET) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training | GCertProfEd&Trng |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Adult Education and Literacy) | GCertProfEd&Trng(AdEd&Lit) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Ent Ed and Applied Learning) | GCertProfEd&Trng(EntEd&AppLrng) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Enterprise Education) | GCertProfEd&Trng(EntEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Flexible, Online and Dist Ed) | GCertProfEd&Trng(Flex,Online&DistEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Higher Education) | GCertProfEd&Trng(HigherEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Literacy and Diversity) | GCertProfEd&Trng(Lit&Diversity) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Open and Distance Education) | GCertProfEd&Trng(O&DistEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Education and Training (Tesol) | GCertProfEd&Trng(TESOL) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Practice (Digital Learning) | CGertProfPracDigLrn |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Secondary Design and Technologies | GCertSDesTech |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Secondary Digital Technologies | GCertSDigiTech |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Secondary Science | GCertSSc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Secondary Mathematics | GCertSMath |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Specialist Inclusive Education | GCertSpecIncEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Stem Education | GCertStemEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Education) | GCertTESOL(Ed) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Teaching Languages Other Than English | GCertTLOTE |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts - Advanced (Honours) | BAAdv(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | BA(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Communication (Honours) | BComm(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Honours) | BContempArts(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) | BCA(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Film, Television and Animation (Honours) | BFilmTvAnim(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Letters (Honours) | BLitt(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) | BSW(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts In Education (Honours) | BAEd(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Honours) | BECE(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Education (Honours) | BEd(Hons) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts | BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Applied Art) | BA(AppArt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Communication Management) | BA(CommMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Community Development) | BA(ComnDev) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Eco-Communication) | BA(Eco-Comm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) | BA(FineArt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) | BA(IntlSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Interpreting/Translating) | BA(Int/Trans) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communication) | BA(Media&Comm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Music) | BA(Music) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Police Studies) | BA(PoliceSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Professional and Creative Writing) | BA(Prof&CreatvWrit) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) | BA(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Public Relations) | BA(PR) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Visual Communication) | BA(VisComm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication | BComm |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication (Advertising) | BComm(Advert) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication (Digital Media) | BComm(DigMedia) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) | BComm(Journ) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication (Media) | BComm(Media) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) | BComm(PR) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Contemporary Arts | BContempArts |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts | BCA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Animation and Motion Capture) | BCA(AnimMoCap) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) | BCA(Dance) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) | BCA(Drama) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Film and Digital Media) | BCA(Film&DigMedia) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Film and Television) | BCA(FilmTV) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Graphic Design) | BCA(GraphicDes) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Photography) | BCA(Photo) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) | BCA(VisArts) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Communication Design) | BCA(VisCommDes) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Creative Writing | BCreatvWrit |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Criminology | BCrim |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design | BD |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (3d Animation) | BD(3DAnim) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (Digital Technologies) | BD(DigTech) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) | BD(VisComm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Entertainment Production | BEntProd |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Film and Digital Media | BFilm&DigMedia |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Film, Television and Animation | BFilmTvAnim |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Interactive Media | BInteracMedia |
Bachelor | Bachelor of International Studies | BIntlSt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of International Studies (Global Scholar) | BIntlStGlobalScholar |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Letters | BLitt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Social Science | BSSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Social Work | BSW |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts in Education | BAEd |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Early Childhood Education | BECE |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (International) | BECE(I) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies | BECSt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Education | BEd |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Education (Early Years) | BECE(ErlyYrs) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Education (Primary) | BEd(Prim) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Educational Studies | BEdSt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Health and Physical Education | BHealthPhysEd |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Physical Education | BPhysEd |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Primary Education (Mathematics) | BPrimEd(Math) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Primary Education (Science) | BPrimEd(Sc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching | BTeach |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) | BTeach(ECE) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) | BTeach(Prim&Sec) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) | BTeach(Prim) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Science) | BTeach(Sc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) | BTeach(Sec) |
Advanced Diploma | Advanced Diploma of Foreign Affairs and Trade | ADipFAT |
Diploma | Diploma of Arabic | DipArabic |
Diploma | Diploma of Arts | DipArts |
Diploma | Diploma of Chinese | DipChinese |
Diploma | Diploma of Indonesian | DipIndonesian |
Diploma | Diploma of Language | DipLang |
Diploma | Diploma of Police Studies | DipPoliceSt |
Diploma | Diploma of Spanish | DipSpanish |
Diploma | Diploma of Teaching (Primary) | DipTeach(Prim) |
Diploma | Diploma of Tertiary Studies | DipTertSt |
Certificate | Certificate of Language | CertLang |
University Certificate | University Certificate of Foreign Affairs and Trade | UCertFAT |
Associate degree | Associate Degree of Arts | ADA |
Associate degree | Associate Degree of Arts, Business and Sciences | ADAB&S |
Associate degree | Associate Degree of Education | ADEd |
Associate Diploma | Associate Diploma of Education (Music) | ADipEd(Music) |
Faculty of Business and Law
Doctorate | Doctor of Business Administration | DBA |
Doctorate | Doctor of Juridical Science | SJD |
Doctorate | Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Doctorate | Juris Doctor | JD |
Master | Executive Master of Business Administration | EMBA |
Master | Master of Accounting and International Finance | MAIF |
Master | Master of Accounting and Law | MAL |
Master | Master of Accounting Information Systems | MAIS |
Master | Master of Aquaculture | MAqua |
Master | Master of Arts and Cultural Management | MACultMgt |
Master | Master of Arts and Entertainment Management | MAEntMgt |
Master | Master of Business (Arts and Cultural Management) | MBus(ACM) |
Master | Master of Business (Marketing) | MBus(Mktg) |
Master | Master of Business (Personal Injury) | MBus(PersInj) |
Master | Master of Business (Sport Management) | MBus(SportMgt) |
Master | Master of Business Administration | MBA |
Master | Master of Business Administration (Global) | MBAGlobal |
Master | Master of Business Administration (Healthcare Management) | MBA(HCM) |
Master | Master of Business Administration (Information Technology Management) | MBA(ITMgt) |
Master | Master of Business Administration (International) | MBA(Intl) |
Master | Master of Business Analytics | MBusAnalytics |
Master | Master of Commerce | MCom |
Master | Master of Commercial Law | MComLaw |
Master | Master of Contemporary Leadership | MContempLdshp |
Master | Master of Corporate Leadership | MCorpLdshp |
Master | Master of Education | MEd |
Master | Master of Electronic Commerce | MECom |
Master | Master of Financial Planning | MFinPlan |
Master | Master of Human Resource Management | MHRMgt |
Master | Master of Information Security | MInfoSec |
Master | Master of Information Systems | MIS |
Master | Master of Insurance | MIns |
Master | Master of International Accounting - ACCA | MIA ACCA |
Master | Master of Insurance and Risk Management | MIRMgt |
Master | Master of International Accounting | MIA |
Master | Master of International Business | MIntlBus |
Master | Master of International Commercial Law | MIntlComLaw |
Master | Master of International Finance | MIF |
Master | Master of International Trade and Business | MTradeBus |
Master | Master of International Trade and Investment Law | MIntTradeInvLaw |
Master | Master of Laws | LLM |
Master | Master of Laws (External) | LLM(Ext) |
Master | Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) | LLM(JD) |
Master | Master of Leadership | MLdshp |
Master | Master of Legal Studies | MLegalSt |
Master | Master of Management (Personal Injury) | MMgt(PersInj) |
Master | Master of Management Studies (External) | MMgtSt(Ext) |
Master | Master of Marketing | MMktg |
Master | Master of Professional Accounting | MPA |
Master | Master of Professional Accounting and Finance | MPAF |
Master | Master of Professional Accounting and Law | MPAL |
Master | Master of Professional Practice (Financial Planning) | MPP(FinPlan) |
Master | Master of Professional Practice (Leadership) | MPP(Ldshp) |
Master | Master of Research (Business) | MRES (BUS) |
Master | Master of Retail Management (External) | MRetMgt(Ext) |
Master | Master of Special Education | MSpecEd |
Master | Executive Master of Sport Business | EMSportBus |
Master | Master of Sport Management | MSportMgt |
Master | Master of Taxation Law | MTaxLaw |
Master | Master of Wealth Management | MWealthMgt |
Master by Research | Master of Commerce | MCom |
Master by Research | Master of Economics | MEc |
Master by Research | Master of Laws | LLM |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Accounting | GDipAcc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Accounting and Law | GDipAccLaw |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Arts and Cultural Management | GDipArtsCultMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Arts and Entertainment Management | GDipArtsEntMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business | GDipBus |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Accounting) | GDipBus(Acc) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Arts and Cultural Management) | GDipBus(ACM) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Computing) | GDipBus(Comp) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Human Resources Development) | GDipBus(HRDev) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Human Resources Management) | GDipBus(HRMgt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Information Technology Education) | GDipBus(InfoTechEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Marketing) | GDipBus(Mktg) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business (Policy Studies) | GDipBus(PolicySt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business Administration | GDipBA |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (International) | GDipBA(Intl) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business Analytics | GDipBusAnalytics |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Business Research | GDBusRes |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Commerce | GDipCom |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Commerce (Procurement and Contract Management) | GDip(Proc&ConMgt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Commercial Law | GDipComLaw |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Contemporary Leadership | GDipContempLdshp |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Electronic Commerce | GDipECom |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning | GDipFinPlan |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Financial Services | GDipFinServ |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Human Resource Management | GDipHRMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Human Resources | GDipHR |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Information Systems | GDipIS |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Information Technology Management | GDipITMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Insurance | GDipIns |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Accounting | GDipIntlAcc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Business | GDipIntlBus |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Commercial Law | GDipIntlComLaw |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Finance | GDipIntlFin |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Trade | GDipIntlTrade |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of International Trade and Investment Law | GDipTradeLaw |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Leadership | GDipLdshp |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Legal Studies | GDipLegalSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Management | GDipMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Management (Personal Injury) | GDipMgt(PersInj) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Management Information Systems | GDipMIS |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Marketing | GDipMktg |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting | GDipProfAcc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Accounting and Law | GDipProfAccLaw |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Practice (Financial Planning) | GDPP(FinPlan) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Property | GDipProp |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Sport Management | GDipSportMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Taxation | GDipTax |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Trade Practices | GDipTradePrac |
Graduate Certificate | Executive Graduate Certificate of Sport Business | EGCertSportBus |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Accounting | GCertAcc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Accounting and Law | GCertAccLaw |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Artificial Intelligence for Business | GCertAIB |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Arts and Cultural Management | GCertArtsCultMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Arts and Entertainment Management | GCertArtsEntMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business | GCertBus |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business (Arts and Cultural Management) | GCertBus(ACM) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business (Marketing) | GCertBus(Mktg) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business (Sport Management) | GCertBus(SportMgt) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business Administration | GCertBA |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (International) | GCertBA(Intl) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Business Consulting | GCertBusConsult |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Chartered Accounting Foundations | GCertCAFound |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Commerce | GCertCom |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Commerce (Procurement and Contract Management) | GCertCom(Proc&ConMgt) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Commercial Law | GCertComLaw |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Commercial Law (Financial Crime Control) | GCertComLaw(FinCrimeCtrl) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Contemporary Leadership | GCertContempLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Corporate Leadership | GCertCorpLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Corporate Management | GCertCorpMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Cyber Law | GCertCyberLaw |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Digital Transformation and Cyber Security | GCertDigTranCyberSec |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of E-Crime | GCertE-Crime |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Electronic Commerce | GCertECom |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Entrepreneurship | GCertEntrship |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Finance | GCertFin |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Financial Planning | GCertFinPlan |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Financial Services | GCertFinServ |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Healthcare Management | GCertHCM |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Human Resource Management | GCertHRMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Human Resources | GCertHR |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Information Security | GCertInfoSec |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Information Systems | GCertIS |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Information Technology Management | GCertITMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Insurance | GCertIns |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Insurance and Risk Management | GCertIRMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Internal Audit | GCertInternalAudit |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International Accounting | GCertIntlAcc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International Business | GCertIntlBus |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International Commercial Law | GCertIntlComLaw |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International Finance | GCertIntlFin |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of International Trade | GCertIntlTrade |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Internet Law and Practice | GCertIntLawPrac |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Leadership | GCertLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Legal Studies | GCertLegalSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Management | GCertMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Management (Family Business) | GCertMgt(FamBus) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Management (Personal Injury) | GCertMgt(PersInj) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Management Information Systems | GCertMIS |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Management Studies (External) | GCertMtgStds(Ext) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Marketing | GCertMktg |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Accounting | GCertProfAcc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Accounting and Law | GCertProfAccLaw |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Practice (Financial Planning) | GCertPP(FinPlan) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Practice (Leadership) | CCertProfPrac(Ldshp) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Property | GCertProp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Public Accounting | GCertPubAcc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Retail Management | GCertRetMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Retail Management (External) | GCertRetMgt (Ext) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Sport Management | GCertSportMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Supply Chain Management | GCertSupplyChainMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Wealth Management | GCertWealthMgt |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) | BCom(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | LLB(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Property and Real Estate (Honours) | BPRE(Hons) |
Bachelor | Bachelor Of Business | BBus |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Account Bridging Program) | Bbus(AccBriPro) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Accounting) | BBus(Acc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Applied Economics and Marketing) | BBus(AppEc&Mgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Computing) | BBus(Comp) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Economics) | BBus(Ec) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Finance) | BBus(Fin) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Insurance) | BBus(Ins) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Local Government) | BBus(LocalGovt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Office Management) | BBus(OfficeMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Personnel Management) | BBus(PersMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) | BBus(SportMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor Of Business Analytics | BBusAnalytics |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business Information Systems | BBIS |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business Information Technology | BBIT |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business | BBus |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce | BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor Of Human Resource Management (Psychology) | BHRMgt(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems | BIS |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology | BIT |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Laws | LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Management | BMgt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Management Information Systems | BMIS |
Bachelor | Bachelor Of Marketing (Psychology) | BMktg(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Property and Real Estate | BPRE |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Sport Development | BSportDev |
Bachelor | Business Scholar's Program | BSP |
Diploma | Diploma of Business Studies | DipBSt |
Diploma | Diploma of Management | DipMgt |
Certificate | Certificate of Commerce | CertCom |
University Certificate | University Certificate of Management | UCertMgt |
Associate Degree | Associate Degree of Management | ADMgt |
Associate Diploma | Associate Diploma of Business | ADipBus |
Associate Diploma | Associate Diploma of Commerce | ADipCom |
Faculty of Health
Doctorate | Doctor of Advanced Clinical Practice (Paramedicine Practitioner) | DAdClinPrac(PP) |
Doctorate | Doctor of Health Science | DHSc |
Doctorate | Doctor of Letters | DLitt |
Doctorate | Doctor of Medicine | MD |
Doctorate | Doctor of Nursing | DNurs |
Doctorate | Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Doctorate | Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) | DPsych(Clin) |
Doctorate | Doctor of Psychology (Forensic) | DPsych(Forensic) |
Doctorate | Doctor of Psychology (Health) | DPsych(Health) |
Master | Master of Advanced Clinical Practice (Paramedicine Practitioner) | MAdClinPrac(PP) |
Master | Master of Applied Sport Science | MAppSportSc |
Master | Master of Child Play Therapy | MChildPThy |
Master | Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology | MClinExPhys |
Master | Master of Clinical Leadership | MClinLdshp |
Master | Master of Clinical Nursing Practice | MClinNursPrac |
Master | Master of Clinical Psychology | MClinPsych |
Master | Master of Counselling | MCounsel |
Master | Master of Dietetics | MDiet |
Master | Master of Dietetics (Honours) | MDiet(Hons) |
Master | Master of Disability and Inclusion | MDisInc |
Master | Master of Disability Studies | MDisSt |
Master | Master of Food Innovation and Management | MFoodInnovation&Mgt |
Master | Master of Forensic Psychology | MForensicPsych |
Master | Master of Health Management | MHM |
Master | Master of Health Economics | MHealthEc |
Master | Master of Health Management | MHealthMgt |
Master | Master of Health Promotion | MHealthProm |
Master | Master of Health Psychology | MHealthPsych |
Master | Master of Health Science (Addiction Studies) | MHealthSc(AddictSt) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Critical Care Nursing) | MHealthSc(CritCareNurs) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Disability Services) | MHealthSc(DisServ) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Disability Studies) | MHealthSc(DisSt) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Family and Child Health Nursing) | MHealthSc(Fam&ChildHealthNurs) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Health Promotion and Health Education) | MHealthSc(HealthProm&HealthEd) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Health Promotion) | MHealthSc(HealthProm) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Human Movement) | MHealthSc(HumMvmt) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Human Nutrition) | MHealthSc(HumNutr) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Nursing) | MHealthSc(Nurs) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Nursing:Community Health and Development) | MHealthSc(Nurs:ComnHealth&Dev) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Perioperative Nursing) | MHealthSc(PeriopNurs) |
Master | Master of Health Science (Special Education) | MHealthSc(SpecEd) |
Master | Master of Human Nutrition | MHumNutr |
Master | Master of Industrial and Organisational Psychology | MIndOrgPsych |
Master | Master of Medical Science | MMedSc |
Master | Master of Mental Health Nursing | MMHealthNurs |
Master | Master of Midwifery | MMidwifery |
Master | Master of Nursing | MNurs |
Master | Master of Nursing (Psychiatric) | MNurs(Psych) |
Master | Master of Nursing Practice | MNursPrac |
Master | Master of Nursing Practice (Nurse Practitioner) | MNursPrac(NursePrac) |
Master | Master of Nursing Studies | MNursSt |
Master | Master of Nutrition and Dietetics | MNutrDiet |
Master | Master of Nutrition and Population Health | MNPH |
Master | Master of Optometry | MOptom |
Master | Master of Professional Psychology | MProfPsych |
Master | Master of Psychology (Clinical) | MPsych(Clin) |
Master | Master of Psychology (Industrial and Organisational) | MPsych(Ind&Org) |
Master | Master of Psychology (Organisational) | MPsych(Org) |
Master | Master of Psychology (Professional Practice) | MPsych(ProfPrac) |
Master | Master of Public Health | MPubHealth |
Master | Master of Public Health Nutrition | MPHN |
Master | Master of Social Work | MSW |
Master | Master of Special Education | MSpecEd |
Master by Research | Master of Applied Science | MAppSc |
Master by Research | Master of Arts | MA |
Master by Research | Master of Arts (Human Movement) | MA(HumMvmt) |
Master by Research | Master of Philosophy | MPhil |
Master by Research | Master of Science | MSc |
Master by Research | Master of Social Work (Research) | MSW(Res) |
Master by Research | Master of Surgical Research | MSurgRes |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Addiction Studies | GDipAddictSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Advanced Clinical Practice (Paramedicine Practitioner) | GDipAdClinPrac |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Applied Sport Science | GDipAppSportSc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Career Development | GDipCareerDev |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Clinical Leadership | GDipClinLdshp |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Coaching and Counselling | GDipCoachCounsel |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Community Health Nursing | GDipComnHealthNurs |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Counselling | GDipCounsel |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Disability and Inclusion | GDipDisInc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Disability Studies | GDipDisSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Disability Studies (Leadership) | GDipDisSt(Ldshp) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Food Innovation and Management | GDipFoodInnovation&Mgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Gerontological Nursing | GDipGerontNurs |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health and Human Services Management | GDipHealthHumServMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Economics | GDipHealthEc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Education | GDipHealthEd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Management | GDipHealthMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Promotion | GDipHealthProm |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Health Promotion and Health Education) | GDipHealthSc(HealthProm&HealthEd) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Health Promotion) | GDipHealthSc(HealthProm) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Human Nutrition) | GDipHealthSc(HumNutr) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Health Science (Nursing) | GDipHealthSc(Nurs) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Human Movement | GDipHumMvmt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Human Nutrition | GDipHumNutr |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Medical Science | GDipMedSc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing | GDiptMentalHealthNurs |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Midwifery | GDipMidwifery |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Community Health and Development) | GDipNurs(ComnHealth&Dev) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Critical Care) | GDipNurs(CritCare) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Family and Child Health) | GDipNurs(Fam&ChildHealth) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Perioperative) | GDipNurs(Periop) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Psychiatric) | GDipNurs(Psych) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Rehabilitation) | GDipNurs(Rehab) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing (Renal) | GDipNurs(Renal) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice | GDipNursPrac |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice (Cardiac Care) | GDipNursPrac(CardiacCare) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice (Critical Care) | GDipNursPrac(CritCare) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice (Emergency Care) | GDipNursPrac(EmCare) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice (Intensive Care) | GDipNursPrac(IntCare) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing Practice (Perioperative) | GDipNursPrac(Periop) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing(Infection Control) | GDipNurs(InfCont) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nursing(Infectious Diseases) | GDipNurs(InfDis) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Nutrition Education | GDipNutrEd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Physical Education | GDipPhysEd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Play and Childhood | GDipPC |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science | GDipPsychSc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Psychology | GDipPsych |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced) | GDipPsych(Adv) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Pre-Practice) | GDipPsych(Pre-prac) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Public Health | GDipPubHealth |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Special Education | GDipSpecEd |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Special Education (Hearing Impairment and Deafness) | GDipSpecEd(HearImpair&Deaf) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Sports Science | GDipSportSc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Therapeutic Child Play | GDipTCP |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Addiction Studies | GCertAddictSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Clinical Practice (Paramedicine Practitioner) | GCertAdClinPrac |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Nursing (Cardiac Care) | GCertAdNurs(CardiacCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Nursing (Intensive Care) | GCertAdNurs(IntCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Nursing | GCertAdNurs |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Nursing (Critical Care) | GCertAdNurs(CrtCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Nursing (Perioperative) | GCertAdNurs(Periop) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Advanced Nursing (Emergency Care) | GCertAdNurs(EmCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Agricultural Health and Medicine | GCertAgHealthMed |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Applied Sport Science | GCertAppSportSc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Career Development | GCertCareerDev |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Clinical Leadership | GCertClinLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Coaching and Counselling | GCertCoachCounsel |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Counselling | GCertCounsel |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Current Dietetic Practice | GCertCurrDietPrac |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Diabetes Education | GCertDiabEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Disability and Inclusion | GCertDisInc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Disability Studies | GCertDisSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Disability Studies (Positive Behaviour Support) | GCertDisSt(PBS) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Food Innovation | GCertFoodInnovation |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Forensic Psychology | GCertForensicPsych |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health and Human Services Management | GCertHealthHumServMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Management | GCertHealthMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Promotion | GCertHealthProm |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Economics | GCertHealthEc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Research Practice | GCertHealthResPrac |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Health Promotion and Health Education) | GCertHealthSc(HealthProm&HealthEd) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Health Promotion) | GCertHealthSc(HealthProm) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Human Nutrition) | GCertHlthSc(HumNutr) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Health Science (Nursing) | GCertHealthSc(Nurs) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Hospital Administration | GCertHospAdmin |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Human Nutrition | GCertHumNutr |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Medical Science | GCertMedSc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Mental Health Nursing | GCertMentalHealthNurs |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing | GCertNurs |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Community Health and Development) | GCertNurs(ComnHealth&Dev) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Critical Care) | GCertNurs(CritCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Perioperative) | GCertNurs(Periop) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Psychiatric) | GCertNurs(Psych) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing (Rehabilitation) | GCertNurs(Rehab) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing Practice | GCertNursPrac |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing Practice (Cardiac Care) | GCertNursPrac(CardiacCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing Practice (Critical Care) | GCertNursPrac(CritCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing Practice (Emergency Care) | GCertNursPrac(EmCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing Practice (Intensive Care) | GCertNursPrac(IntCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing Practice (Perioperative) | GCertNursPrac(Periop) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing(Critical Care) Emp | GCertNurs(CritCare) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Nursing(Infectious Diseases and Infection Control) | GCertNurs(InfDis&InfCont) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Play and Childhood | GCertPC |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Psychology (Clinical) | GCertPsych(Clin) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Public Health | GCertPubHealth |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Public Health Nutrition | GCertPubHealthNutr |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Special Education | GCertSpecEd |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Sports Nutrition | GCertSportsNutr |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Sport Performance Analysis | GCSportPerfAnalysis |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Strength and Conditioning | GCertStrCond |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Therapeutic Child Play | GCertTCP |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies) (Honours) | BAppSc(DisSt)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) (Honours) | BAppSc(Ex&SportSc)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Family and Consumer Studies) (Honours) | BAppSc(Fam&ConsSt)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science and Nutrition) (Honours) | BAppSc(FoodSc&Nutr)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion) (Honours) | BAppSc(HealthProm)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Sciences) (Honours) | BAppSc(HealthSc)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) | BAppSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) (Honours) | BAppSc(HumMvmt)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) (Honours) | BAppSc(Psych)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport Coaching and Administration) (Honours) | BAppSc(SportCoach&Admin)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts (Disability Studies) (Honours) | BA(DisSt)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts (Nutrition) (Honours) | BA(Nutr)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) (Honours) | BA(Psych)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science (Honours) | BEx&SportSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Sciences (Honours) | BFood&NutrSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition (Honours) | BFoodSc&Nutr(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Health and Medical Science (Honours) | BHealth&MedSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) | BHealthSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) | BNurs(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Honours) | BNutrSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) | BOccThy(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) | BPsych(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) | BPsychSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion (Honours) | BPubHealth&HealthProm(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Nutrition) (Honours) | BSc(Nutr)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Honours) | BSc(Hons)(Psych) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) | BSW(Hons) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science | BAppSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Disability Studies) | BAppSc(DisSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) | BAppSc(Ex&SportSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Family and Consumer Studies) | BAppSc(Fam&ConsSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science and Nutrition) | BAppSc(FoodSc&Nutr) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion) | BAppSc(HealthProm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Sciences) | BAppSc(HealthSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Home Economics) | BAppSc(HomeEc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) | BAppSc(HumMvmt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Intellectual Disability) | BAppSc(IntDis) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) | BAppSc(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport Coaching and Administration) | BAppSc(SportCoach&Admin) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport Coaching) | BAppSc(SportCoach) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Disability Studies) | BA(DisSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science | BEx&SportSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science | BExSportSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Food and Nutrition | BFood&Nutr |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Sciences | BFood&NutrSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition | BFoodSc&Nutr |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Health Sciences | BHealthSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Medical Imaging | BMedImag |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery | BMBS |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Midwifery | BMidwifery |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing | BNurs |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) | BNurs(ClinLdshp) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Postregistration) | BNurs(Postreg) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration) | BNurs(Prereg) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Psychiatric) | BNurs(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing Studies (Postregistration) | BNursSt(Postreg) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics | BNutrDiet |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nutrition Science | BNutrSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nutrition Science (Dietetics Pathway) | BNutSc(DietPath) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Occupational Therapy | BOccThy |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychological Science | BPsychSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology | BPsych |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology (Child and Family) | BPsych(Child&Fml) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology (Forensic) | BPsych(Forensic) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology (Health) | BPsych(Health) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology (Organisational) | BPsych(Org) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology (Professional Streams) | BPsych(ProfStrms) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Psychology and Management | BPsychMgt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion | BPubHealth&HealthProm |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science | BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Social Work | BSW |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Vision Science | BVisSc |
Associate Diploma | Associate Diploma of Applied Science (Disability Studies) | ADipAppSc(DisSt) |
Diploma | Diploma of Health | DipHealth |
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment
Doctorate | Doctor of Engineering | DEng |
Doctorate | Doctor of Philosophy | PhD |
Doctorate | Doctor of Science | DSc |
Doctorate | Doctor of Technology | DTech |
Master | Master of Applied Artificial Intelligence | MAAI |
Master | Master of Applied Artificial Intelligence (Professional) | MAAI(Prof) |
Master | Master of Applied Science | MAppSc |
Master | Master of Aquaculture | MAqua |
Master | Master of Architecture | MArch |
Master | Master of Architecture (Design Management) | MArch(DesMgt) |
Master | Master of Architecture (Design) | MArch(Des) |
Master | Master of Biotechnology | MBiotech |
Master | Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) | MBiotech(Adv) |
Master | Master of Biotechnology (Honours) | MBiotech(Hons) |
Master | Master of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics | MBiotech&Bioinf |
Master | Master of Computing Studies | MCompSt |
Master | Master of Construction Management | MCM |
Master | Master of Construction Management (External) | MCM(Ext) |
Master | Master of Construction Management (Professional) | MCM(Prof) |
Master | Master of Cyber Security | MCyberSec |
Master | Master of Cyber Security (Professional) | MCyberSec(Prof) |
Master | Master of Data Analytics | MDataAnalytics |
Master | Master of Data Science | MDataSc |
Master | Master of Data Science (Professional) | MDataSciProf |
Master | Master of Energy System Management | MEnergySysMgt |
Master | Master of Energy System Management (Professional) | MEnergySysMgt(Prof) |
Master | Master of Engineering | MEng |
Master | Master of Engineering (Environmental) | MEng(Env) |
Master | Master of Engineering (Pavements) | MEng(Pavement) |
Master | Master of Engineering (Professional) | MEng(Prof) |
Master | Master of Environmental Management | MEnvMgt |
Master | Master of Facilities Management | MFM |
Master | Master of Facilities Management (External) | MFM(Ext) |
Master | Master of Information Technology | MIT |
Master | Master of Information Technology (Professional) | MIT(Prof) |
Master | Master of Information Technology Leadership | MITLdshp |
Master | Master of Information Technology Management | MITMgt |
Master | Master of Information Technology Management (Professional) | MITMgt(Prof) |
Master | Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management | MInfraEng&Mgt |
Master | Master of Infrastructure Engineering and Management (Professional) | MInfraEng&Mgt(Prof) |
Master | Master of Landscape Architecture | MLandscapeArch |
Master | Master of Museum Studies | MMuseumSt |
Master | Master of Networking and Security | MNetworkSec |
Master | Master of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Management | MOcc&EnvHygMgt |
Master | Master of Occupational Hygiene, Safety and Environment | MOccHyg,Safety&Env |
Master | Master of Planning | MPlan |
Master | Master of Planning (Professional) | MPlan(Prof) |
Master | Master of Professional Practice (Engineering) | MProfPrac(Eng) |
Master | Master of Professional Practice (Information Technology) | MPP(IT) |
Master | Master of Science (Design for Circular Cities) | MSc(DCircCt) |
Master | Master of Science (Design for Circular Cities) (Professional) | MSc(DCircCt)(Prof) |
Master | Master of Science (Research) | MSc(Res) |
Master | Master of Sustainability | MSus |
Master | Master of Technology (Pavements) | MTech(Pavements) |
Master | Master of Technology and Innovation Leadership | MTechInnovLdshp |
Master | Master of Technology and Innovation Leadership (Professional) | MTechInnovLdshp(Prof) |
Master | Master of Urban Design | MUrbDes |
Master | Master of Water Resources Management | MWRM |
Master by coursework | Master of Sustainability | MSUS |
Master by coursework | Master of Sustainability (Professional) | MSUS(PROF) |
Master by Research | Master of Architecture (Research) | MArch(Res) |
Master by Research | Master of Building | MBldg |
Master by Research | Master of Construction Management (Research) | MCM(Res) |
Master by Research | Master of Science | MSc |
Master by Research | Master of Science (Engineering) | MSc(Eng) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Environmental Management) | GDipAppSc(EngMgt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Information Management) | GDipAppSc(InfoMgt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Instructional Design and Technology) | GDipAppSc(InstDes&Tech) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Museum Studies) | GDipAppSc(MuseumSt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Aquaculture | GDipAqua |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Architecture | GDipArch |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Artificial Intelligence | GDipAI |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology | GDipBiotech |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics | GDipBiotech&Bioinf |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Building Management | GDipBldgMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Clean Manufacturing | GDipCleanMan |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Computing | GDipComp |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Construction Management | GDipCM |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Cyber Security | GDipCyberSec |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Data Analytics | GDipDataAnalytics |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Data Science | GDipDataSc |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Electronic Data Interchange | GDipEDI |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Engineering | GDipEng |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Municipal Engineering and Management) | GDipEng(MunEng&Mgt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Environmental Engineering | GDipEnvEng |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Environmental Management | GDipEngMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Facilities Management | GDipFM |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Information Technology | GDipIT |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Information Technology Leadership | GDipITLdshp |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Information Technology Management | GDipITMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Instructional Design and Technology | GDipInstDes&Tech |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Landscape Design | GDipLandscapeDes |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Local Government Engineering and Management | GDipLocalGovtEngMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Museum Studies | GDipMuseumSt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Natural and Cultural Heritage Interpretation | GDipNat&CultHeritageInt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Natural and Cultural Resource Management | GDipNat&CultResMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Natural Resources Management | GDipNatResMgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hygiene | GDipOccHyg |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Planning | GDipPlan |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Practice (Engineering) | GDipProfPrac(Eng) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Professional Practice (Information Technology) | GDipProfPrac(IT) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Property Valuation | GDipPropVal |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Quantity Surveying | GDipQuanSurv |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Science (Design for Circular Cities) | GDipSc(DCircCt) |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Sustainability | GDipSus |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Sustainable Regional Development | GDipSustRegDev |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Technology | GDipTech |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Urban Design | GDipUrbDes |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Virtual and Augmented Reality | GDipVR&AR |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Water Engineering and Management | GDipWaterEng&Mgt |
Graduate Diploma | Graduate Diploma of Water Resources Management | GDipWRM |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Applied Science | GCertAppSc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Applied Science (Environmental and Heritage Interpretation) | GCertAppSc(EnvHeritageInt) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Applied Science (Scientific and Technical Writing) | GCertAppSc(Sc&TechWrit) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Aquaculture | GCertAqua |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Architectural Design | GCertArchDes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Architecture | GCertArch |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Artificial Intelligence | GCertAI |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Biotechnology | GCertBiotech |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Building Management | GCertBldgMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Clean Manufacturing | GCertCleanMan |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Coastal Zone Management | GCertCoastalZoneMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Computer Networks | GCertCompNetwork |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Computing | GCertComp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Construction Management | GCertCM |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Construction Management (External) | GCertCM(Ext) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Cyber Security | GCertCyberSec |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Data Analytics | GCertDataAnalytics |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Data Science | GCertDataSc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Emerging Technologies for Supply Chain | GradCertETSC |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Engineering | GCertEng |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Environmental Engineering | GCertEnvEng |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Environmental Management | GCertEnvMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Facilities Management | GCertFM |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Hazardous Materials Management | GCertHazMatMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Industrial Hygiene Science | GCertIndHygSc |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Information Technology | GCertIT |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Information Technology Leadership | GCertITLdshp |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Information Technology Management | GCertITMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Instructional Design | GCertInstDes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Landscape Design | GCertLandscapeDes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Local Government Engineering | GCertLocalGovtEng |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Multimedia Technology | GCertMMediaTech |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Museum Studies | GCertMuseumSt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Natural and Cultural Heritage Interpretation | GCertNat&CultHeritageInt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Natural and Cultural Resource Management | GCertNat&CultResMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Natural Resources Management | GCertNatResMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Occupational Hygiene | GCertOccHyg |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Planning | GCertPlan |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Practice (Engineering) | GCertProfPrac(Eng) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Professional Practice (Information Technology) | GCertProfPrac(IT) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Quantity Surveying | GCertQuanSurv |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Research Commercialisation | GCertResComm |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Research Management | GCertResMgt |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Science (Design for Circular Cities) | GCertSc(DCircCt) |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Software Development | GCertSoftDev |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Strategic Procurement | GCertStratProcure |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Sustainability | GCertSUS |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Technology | GCertTech |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Urban Design | GCertUrbDes |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Sustainable Regional Development | GCertSustRegDev |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Virtual and Augmented Reality | GCertVR&AR |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Water Engineering | GCertWaterEng |
Graduate Certificate | Graduate Certificate of Water Resources Management | GCertWRM |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) | BAppSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence (Honours) | BAI(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) (Honours) | BA(Arch)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Biological Science (Honours) | BBiolSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours) | BBiomedSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours) | BCivEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) | BCompSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Computing (Honours) | BComp(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) | BCM(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Cyber Security (Honours) | BCyberSec(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Design Technology (Honours) | BDesTech(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honours) | BElec&ElecEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) | BEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Honours) | BEnvEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) | BEnvSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Facilities Management (Honours) | BFM(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Forensic Science (Honours) | BForensicSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) | BIT(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) | BMechEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) | BMechtEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Planning (Honours) | BPlan(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Property and Real Estate (Honours) | BPRE(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Honours) | BSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Aquatic Science) (Honours) | BScAquaSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Biological Science) (Honours) | BSc(BiolSc)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) (Honours) | BSc(BiomedSc)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) (Honours) | BSc(Biotech)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Chemical Science) (Honours) | BScChemSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Computer Science and Information Systems) (Honours) | BSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Conservation Ecology) (Honours) | BSc(ConsEcol)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Earth Science) (Honours) | BSc(EarthSc)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Marine and Freshwater Science) (Honours) | BSc(Mar&FreshwSc)(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) (Honours) | BSc(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Science In Innovation and Industry (Honours) | BScInnovation&Ind |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) | BSoftEng(Hons) |
Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Zoology and Animal Science (Honours) | BZool&AnimalSc(Hons) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science | BAppSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Applied Computing) | BAppSc(AppComp) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Environment Management of Hazardous Materials) | BAppSc(EnvMgtHazMat) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Management) | BAppSc(EnvMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Information Management) | BAppSc(InfoMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Integrated Catchment Management) | BAppSc(IntegCatchMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Microprocessor Applications) | BAppSc(MicroprocApp) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Natural Resources Management) | BAppSc(NatResMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Technology Management) | BAppSc(TechMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science) | BAppSc(WineSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Architectural Technology | BArchTech |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Architecture | BArch |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence | BAI |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) | BA(Arch) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Biological Science | BBiolSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Biomedical Science | BBiomedSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Building | BBldg |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computer Science | BCompSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computing (Applied Computing) | BComp(AppComp) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science and Software Development) | BComp(CompSc/SoftDev) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computing (Information Management) | BComp(InfoMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems) | BComp(IS) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computing (Multimedia Technology) | BComp(MMediaTech) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Computing (Network Technologies) | BComp(NetworkTech) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Conservation Ecology | BConsEcol |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Construction Management | BCM |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Cyber Security | BCyberSec |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (Architecture) | BDes(Arch) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Property and Real Estate | BDES(ARCH)/BPRE |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (Urban Studies) | BDes(UrbSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design Technology | BDesTech |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering | BEng |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering (Computronics) | BEng(Compt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental) | BEng(Env) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering (Manufacturing) | BEng(Man) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) | BEng(Mecht) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering Science | BEngSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Conservation Ecology) | BEnvSc(ConsEcol) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management and Sustainability) | BEnvSc(EnvMgt&Sus) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Environmental Management) | BEnvSc(EnvMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Fisheries Management and Aquaculture) | BEnvSc(FishMgt&Aqua) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Freshwater Biology and Management) | BEnvSci(FreshwBiol&Mgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Freshwater Biology) | BEnvSc(FreshwBiol) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Integrated Catchment Management) | BEnvSc(IntegCatchMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Marine and Freshwater Science) | BEnvSc(Mar&FreshwSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Marine Biology) | BEnvSc(MarBiol) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) | BEnvSc(Wild&ConsBiol) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Facilities Management | BFM |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Fisheries and Aquaculture | BFish&Aqua |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Forensic Science | BForensicSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Games Design and Development | BGamesDes&Dev |
Bachelor | Bachelor of I.T. Security | BITSec |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology | BIT |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Science and Software Development) | BIT(CS&SD) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (E Systems) | BIT(ESys) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Design and Development) | BIT(GamesDes&Dev) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (I.T. Security) | BIT(ITSec) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Information Modelling) | BIT(InfoModelling) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Interactive Media) | BIT(InteracMedia) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Mobile and Apps Development) | BIT(Mob&AppsDev) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Multimedia Technology) | BIT(MMediaT) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice) | BIT(ProfPrac) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Technology (Web and Mobile Technologies) | BIT(Web&MobT) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Marine Science | BMarSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Network Engineering | BNetworkEng |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Park Management | BParkMgt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Planning | BPlan |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Property and Real Estate | BPRE |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science | BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Aquatic Science) | BSc(AquaSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Biological Science) | BSc(BiolSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) | BSc(BiomedSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) | BSc(Biotech) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Chemical Science) | BSc(ChemSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Earth Science) | BSc(EarthSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Fisheries Management and Aquaculture) | BSc(FishMgt&Aqua) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Marine and Freshwater Science) | BSc(Marine&FreshwaterSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) | BSc(Math) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology | BTech |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology (Coastal Resource Management) | BTech(CoastalResMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology (Computronics) | BTech(Compt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology (Environmental) | BTech(Env) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology (Manufacturing) | BTech(Man) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology (Mechatronics) | BTech(Mecht) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Technology Management | BTechMgt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Textiles | BTextiles |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Zoology and Animal Science | BZool&AnimalSc |
Diploma | Diploma of Science | DipSc |
Diploma | Diploma of Science and Technology | DipScTech |
Diploma | Diploma of Technology | DipTech |
Diploma | Diploma of Technology Management | DipTechMgt |
Diploma | Diploma of Technology Management (Forest Products) | DipTechMgt(ForestProducts) |
Certificate | Certificate of Technology Management | CertTechMgt |
Certificate | Ford Foundation Studies Certificate | FordFoundStCert |
University Diploma | University Diploma of Technology Management | UDipTechMgt |
University Diploma | University Diploma of Technology Management (Complex Procurement) | UDipTechMgt(ComplexProcurment) |
University Diploma | University Diploma of Technology Management (Timber Technology) | UDipTechMgt(TimberTech) |
University Certificate | University Certificate of Frontline Management (Manufacturing) | UCertFrontlineMgt(Man) |
University Certificate | University Certificate of Technology Management | UCertTechMgt |
University Certificate | University Certificate of Technology Management (Forest Products) | UCertTechMgt(ForestProducts) |
University Certificate | University Certificate of Technology Management (Timber Technology) | UCertTechMgt(TimberTech) |
Associate Degree | Associate Degree of Computing | ADComp |
Associate Degree | Associate Degree of Technology | ADTech |
Associate Degree | Associate Degree of Technology Management | ADTechMgt |
Associate Diploma | Associate Diploma of Technology Management | ADipTechMgt |
Combined courses
Master | Master of Arts (International Relations)/Master of International Business | MA(IR)/MIntlBus |
Master | Master of Arts (Professional Communication)/Master of Information Technology | MA(ProfComm)/MIT |
Master | Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of Commerce | MBA(Intl)/MCom |
Master | Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of Information Systems | MBA(Intl)/MIS |
Master | Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of International Finance | MBA(Intl)/MIF |
Master | Master of Business Administration (International)/Master of Professional Accounting | MBA(Intl)/MPA |
Master | Master of Business Administration/Master of Commerce | MBA/MCom |
Master | Master of Business Administration/Master of Commercial Law | MBA/MComLaw |
Master | Master of Business Administration/Master of Leadership | MBA/MLdshp |
Master | Master of Commerce/Master of Commercial Law | MCom/MComLaw |
Master | Master of Commerce/Master of Electronic Commerce | MCom/MECom |
Master | Master of Commerce/Master of Information Systems | MCom/MIS |
Master | Master of Commerce/Master of International Business | MCom/MIntlBus |
Master | Master of Communication/Master of Arts (Creative Enterprise) | MComm/MA(CE) |
Master | Master of Engineering/Master of Business Administration (International) | MEng/MBA(Intl) |
Master | Master of Engineering/Master of Information Technology | MEng/MIT |
Master | Master of Film and Video/Master of Arts (Creative Enterprise) | MFilm&Video/MArts(CE) |
Master | Master of Information Technology/Master of Business Administration (International) | MIT/MBA(Intl) |
Master | Master of Information Technology/Master of Commerce | MIT/MCom |
Master | Master of Information Technology/Master of Electronic Commerce | MIT/MECom |
Master | Master of Information Technology/Master of Information Systems | MIT/MIS |
Master | Master of International Finance/Master of Professional Accounting | MIF/MPA |
Master | Master of Politics and Policy/Master of Business Administration | MPol&Policy/MBA |
Master | Master of Professional Accounting/Master of Commerce | MPA/MCom |
Bachelor/Master | Bachelor of Arts / Master of International Relations | BA/MIR |
Bachelor/Master | Bachelor of Arts / Master of Teaching (Secondary) | BArts/MTeach |
Bachelor/Master | Bachelor of Arts / Master of Arts (International Relations) | BA/MA(IR) |
Bachelor/Master | Bachelor of Science / Master of Teaching (Secondary) | BSc/MTeach |
Bachelor/Master | Bachelor of Vision Science / Master of Optometry | BVisSc/MOptom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science/Bachelor of Arts | BAppSc/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion)/Bachelor of Commerce | BAppSc(HealthProm)/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion)/Bachelor of Nursing (Post-registration) | BAppSc(HealthProm)/BNurs(Postreg) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology)/Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) | BAppSc(Psych)/BTeach(Sec) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Building | BArch/BBldg |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Construction Management | BArch/BCM |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Engineering | BArch/BEng |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Architecture/Bachelor of Science | BArch/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Chinese) /Bachelor of Business | BA(Chinese)/BBus |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (Indonesian)/Bachelor of Business | BA(Indonesian)/BBus |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)/Bachelor of Commerce | BA(IntlSt)/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts(Arabic)/Bachelor of Business | BA(Arabic)/BBus |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Sciences) | BA/BAppSc(HealthSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce | BA/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws | BA/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Management | BA/BMgt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science | BA/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts | BBus/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Business Information Systems/Bachelor of Information Technology | BBIS/BIT |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts | BCom/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Business Analytics | BCom/BBusAnalytics |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Communication (Advertising) | BCom/BComm(Advert) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Communication (Digital Media) | BCom/BComm(DigMedia) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) | BCom/BComm(Journ) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) | BCom/BComm(PR) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce /Bachelor of Information Systems | BCom/BIS |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws | BCom/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science | BCom/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)/Bachelor of Property and Real Estate | BCM(Hons)/BPRE |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Construction Management/Bachelor of Facilities Management | BCM/BFM |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Cyber Security | BCrim/BCyberSec |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Information Technology (I.T. Security) | BCrim/BIT(ITSec) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws | BCrim/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Psychological Science | BCrim/BPsychSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management | BD(Arch)/BCM |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce | BEng/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Computing | BEng/BComp |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Information Technology | BEng/BIT |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science | BEng/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) | BEx&SportSc/BBus(SportMgt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of Commerce | BExSportSc/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of Nutrition Science | BExSportSc/BNutrSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Sciences/Bachelor of Commerce | BFood&NutrSc/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Forensic Science/Bachelor of Criminology | BForensicSc/BCrim |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Arts | BHealthSc/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems / Bachelor of Arts | BIS/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems /Bachelor of Laws | BIS/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems /Bachelor of Science | BIS/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Health Sciences | BIS/BHealthSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems/Bachelor of Information Technology | BIS/BIT |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Information Systems/Diploma of Language | BIS/DipLang |
Bachelor | Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of Commerce | BIntlSt/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) | LLB/BA(IntlSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Cyber Security | LLB/BCyberSec |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of International Studies | LLB/BIntlSt |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Management/Bachelor of Laws | BMgt/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion) | BNurs(Prereg)/BAppSc(HealthProm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) | BNurs/BAppSc(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing (Preregistration)/Bachelor of Commerce | BNurs/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion) | BNurs/BAppSc(HealthProm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology) | BNurs/BAppSc(Psych) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Commerce | BNurs/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery | BNurs/BMidwifery |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Psychological Science | BNurs/BPsychSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion | BNurs/BPubHealth&HealthProm |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics/Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Sciences) | BNutrDiet/BAppSc(HealthSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Nutrition Science/Bachelor of Commerce | BNutrSc/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Property and Real Estate/Bachelor of Commerce | BPRE/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Property and Real Estate/Bachelor of Laws | BPRE/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Public Health and Health Promotion/Bachelor of Commerce | BPubHealth&HealthProm/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Biological Science)/Bachelor of Computing | BSc(BiolSc)/BComp |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science (Chemical Science)/Bachelor of Computing | BSc(ChemSc)/BComp |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws | BSc/LLB |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)/Bachelor of Applied Science | BTeach(Prim)/BAppSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) | BTeach(Prim)/BAppSc(HumMvmt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)/Bachelor of Arts | BTeach(Prim)/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)/Bachelor of Science | BTeach(Prim)/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Science)/Bachelor of Science | BTeach(Sc)/BSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Applied Science | BTeach(Sec)/BAppSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Family and Consumer Studies) | BTeach(Sec)/BAppSc(Fam&ConsSt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion) | BTeach(Sec)/BAppSc(HealthProm) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Sciences) | BTeach(Sec)/BAppSc(HealthSc) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) | BTeach(Sec)/BAppSc(HumMvmt) |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Arts | BTeach(Sec)/BA |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Commerce | BTeach(Sec)/BCom |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Health Sciences | BTeach(Sec)/BHealthSc |
Bachelor | Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science | BTeach(Sec)/BSc |
Bachelor/Bachelor with Honours | Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) | BD(Arch)/BCM(Hons) |
Institute for Frontier Materials
Masters | Master of Philosophy (Electromaterials) | MPhil(Elect) |